Fertiliser Application
The nutrient demand by crops can be either met by synthetic or organic fertiliser. The implementation of synthetic fertiliser application accounts for only very few N and P fertiliser with related input costs and the respective labour need, and machinery use. In contrast, the application of organic fertiliser considers different application machinery with their linked emission levels, labour requirements, etc.. Further, multiple organic fertiliser types are accounted for with varying levels of nutrients. Both application types consider agronomic aspects such as minimum application levels (synthetic) or periods where application is not possible (manure).
Synthetic Fertilisers
To meet the N and P demand of crops, synthetic fertiliser, v_syntDist, can be applied besides manure. Synthetic fertiliser application enters equations with regard to the buying of inputs, buy_ and varcost_, the labour need for application, labCropSM_, the field work hours and machinery, fieldWorkHours_ and machines_, and with regard to plant nutrition. The equation nMinMan_ ensures that minimum amounts of mineral fertiliser are applied for certain crops. It represents the limitation meeting the plant need with nutrients from manure, e.g. fertilising short before harvest for baking wheat cannot be done with manure.
$ ( (v_cropHa.up(crops,plot,till,intens,t,nCur) ne 0)
$ p_minChemFert(crops,nut) $ (not (sameas(till,"org") or lower(intens) or veryLow(intens))) ) ..
sum ((curInputs(syntFertilizer),m),
* p_nutInSynt(syntFertilizer,nut))
v_cropHa(crops,plot,till,intens,t,nCur) * p_minChemFert(crops,nut)
* sum(plot_soil(plot,soil),p_nutNeed(crops,soil,till,intens,nut,t));
Organic Fertilisers
Different application procedures for manure N are implemented, ManApplicType, including broad spread, drag hose spreader, injection of manure, and solid manure spread. The core variable is v_mandist which represents the amount of manure in distributed cubic meter. The different techniques are related to different application costs, labour requirements as well as effects on different emissions. Furthermore, manure application is linked to the nutrient balance and the manure storage.
The application of manure links nutrient with volumes. The nutrient content of the manure is depending on the herd's excretion as well as on the losses during storage. The parameter p_nut2inMan contains the amount of NTAN, Norg and P per cubic meter of manure applied. The parameter is differentiated for the manure types linked to the present herd. Relevant parameters are calculated in coeffgen\manure.gms.
As a first step, the amount of different nutrients per cubic meter without losses is calculated in p_nut2inManNoLoss. Here, the nutrient excretion of the animals is related to their volume excretion depending on the stables present on the farm.
In a second step, the nutrients per cubic meter are corrected for the storage losses in p_nut2inMan. Varying storage time of manure, and hence varying nutrient content, can be taken into account by activating the "Nutrient loss depending on storage time" control in the graphical user interface. In this case, for the manure of every herd, two types of manure are calculated, representing the maximum and minimum possible amount of losses during one year. This allows a complete emptying of the storage in a linear programming setting. In the default case, only the minimum losses are assumed.
The total manure distributed in cubic meter and in nutrients per month is summarised in the following equations according to:
nut2ManApplied_(curCrops,curManChain(manChain),nut2,t_n(tCur(t),nCur),m) $ (v_volManApplied.up(manChain,t,nCur,m) ne 0) ..
v_nut2ManApplied(curCrops,manChain,nut2,t,nCur,m) =e=
sum( (plot,till,intens,manChain_applic(manChain,ManApplicType),curManType)
$ (manApplicType_manType(ManApplicType,curManType)
$ (v_manDist.up(curCrops,plot,till,intens,manApplicType,curManType,t,nCur,m) ne 0)
$ (not sameas (curCrops,"catchcrop")) $c_p_t_i(curCrops,plot,till,intens)),
* p_nut2inMan(nut2,curManType,manChain));
volManApplied_(curManChain(manChain),t_n(tCur(t),nCur),m) $ (v_volManApplied.up(manChain,t,nCur,m) ne 0) ..
=e= sum( (c_p_t_i(curCrops(crops),plot,till,intens),
$ (manApplicType_manType(ManApplicType,curManType)
$ (v_manDist.up(crops,plot,till,intens,manApplicType,curManType,t,nCur,m) ne 0)
$ (not sameas (curCrops,"catchcrop")) ),
There are several restrictions with regard to the application of manure. First of all, the application of manure is not possible in some crops in some months, e.g. in maize at certain height of growth.
set doNotApplyManure(crops,m) /
set.potatoes .(Jun,Jul,Aug)
set.maize .(Jun,Jul,Aug)
set.sugarbeet .(Jun,Jul,Aug)
set.rapeseed .(May,Jun,Jul)
set.summerCere .(May,Jun,Jul)
set.WinterCere .(Apr,May,Jun,Jul)
For these months, v_manDist is forced to be zero.