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Herd Dynamics

The herd dynamics describe the dynamic character of the stock of a certain animal herd. This includes economic activities of selling and buying and natural dynamics such as birth or moving into another age-stage within the same animal group. Further, herds are differentiated by gender, breeds, production objectives and month in each year.

The model uses two different variables to describe herds: v_herdStart describes the number of animals by type which enter a production process at a certain time, while v_herdSize describes the number of animals by type at the farm at a specific time. More precisely the standing herd, v_herdSize, can be described as animals which joint the herd since the beginning of the production process, v_herdStart, minus sold and slaughtered ones, as can be seen in the following equation. The parameter p_mDist in this equation describes the difference in months between two time points defined by year, t, t1, and month, m, m1. The parameter p_prodLength depicts the length of the production process in months.

    $ (sum(FeedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m))
    $  sum((t_n(t1,nCur1),feedRegime,m1)
            $ (((-p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1) $ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le 0))
               ((abs(p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-12) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1)) $ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-12 le 0)) $ p_compStatHerd
              $ actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1)
              $ (balherds(herds)
              $$ifi defined remonte or remonte(herds) or sameas("remonte",herds)
              $ t_n(t,nCur) $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),
     ) ..

  sum(feedRegime $ actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m),
*         --- herds which started in the months before the production length, in case for piglets a separate construct is used
    $ ((((-p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1))
        $ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le 0))
        ((abs(p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-12) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1))
        $ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-12 le 0)) $ p_compStatHerd
       $ sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))
       $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)
       $$iftheni.sows "%farmBranchSows%" == "on"
         $(not sameas(herds,"piglets"))

      $$ %cowHerd%==true
*       --- minus, in case of cows, slaughtered before reaching the final age
        -sum( (slgtCows,cows)
          $ (sum(feedRegime, actHerds(slgtCows,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))
            $ sameas(cows,herds) $ (slgtCows.pos eq cows.pos)),
*  --- add herds multiple times if their process length is longer than 12

  +  sum((t_n(t1,nCur1),m1)
      $ (((-p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1))
          (   (abs(p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-12) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1))$ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le 0)
          or  (abs(p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)-24) le (p_prodLength(herds,breeds)-1))$ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) ge 0)
          ) $ p_compStatHerd $
                                  $$ifi defined cows (not cows(herds) $ (p_prodLength(herds,breeds) gt 12))
                                  $$ifi not defined cows (1 eq 1)
         $ sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))
         $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)
         $$iftheni.sows "%farmBranchSows%" == "on"
           $(not sameas(herds,"piglets"))
*       --- minus, in case of cows, slaughtered before reaching the final age
      $$ %cowHerd%==true
        -sum( (slgtCows,cows)
          $ (sum(feedRegime, actHerds(slgtCows,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))
            $ sameas(cows,herds) $ (slgtCows.pos eq cows.pos)),
*         --- Herd size dynamic for piglets separately to depict a correct transfer from year t to year t1 as well as account for temporal resolution adjustments

  $$iftheni.sows "%farmBranchSows%" == "on"
    +  sum( (t_n(t1,nCur1),m1)
      $ ((abs(p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)) le (p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds) -1
        $ (p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds) eq 1)))
      $ (p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) le 0)
      $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)
      $ sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))
      $ (sameas(herds,"youngPiglets") or sameas(herds,"piglets"))
      $ {
        (sameas(t,t1) $ (not sameas(m  - p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds),m1)))
        or ((not sameas(t,t1)) $ (sameas("Jan",m))$ (sameas( m + 11, m1)))

The definition of the number of animals being added to the herd, v_herdStart, is described in the equation herdBal_. In the simplest case, where a 1:1 relation between a delivery and a use process exists, the number of new animals entering the different use processes balherds is equal to the number of new animals of the delivery process herds. This relation is depicted by the set herds_from_herds.

One possible extension is that animals entering the herd can be alternatively bought from the market, defined by the set bought_to_herds. The symmetric case is when the raised/fattened animals are sold which is described by the sold_from_herds set.

For the case where several delivering processes are available, for example heifers of a different process length replacing cows, the set herds_from_herds describes a 1:n relation. A similar case exists if one type of animal, say a raised female calve, can be used for different processes such as replacement or slaughter. In this case, the expression turns into a n:1 relation captured by the second additive expression in the equation herdBal_.

In comparative static mode p_compStatHerd, all lags are removed such that a steady-state herd model is described.

herdsBal_(balHerds,breeds,tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (  sum(feedRegime,actherds(balHerds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m)) $ t_n(t,nCur)
     $ (p_Year(t) le p_year("%lastYear%"))
     $ (sum( (herds_from_herds(balHerds,herds,breeds),t1,m1)
                   $ (( -p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1) eq round(p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds)))
                           $  sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))),1)
       $$iftheni.compStat "%dynamics%" == "comparative-static"
         or (sum( (herds_from_herds(balHerds,herds,breeds),t1,m1)
                   $ (( -p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)+12 eq round(p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds)))
                           $  sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1))),1))
                           or sum((bought_to_herds(herds,breeds,balherds),feedRegime) $ actherds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m),1)
                           or sum((sold_comp_herds(herds,breeds,balherds),feedRegime) $ actherds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m),1)  )
                        ) ..
*      --- herd starting at current time point
*      --- plus herd starting at current time point which compete for the same input herds
     + sum( herds1 $ [ (sum(herds_from_herds(herds1,herds,breeds)
                                      $ herds_from_herds(balHerds,herds,breeds),1)
                    or sum(bought_to_herds(herds,breeds,herds1)
                            $ bought_to_herds(herds,breeds,balherds),1))
                    $ (not sameas(balHerds,herds1)) $  sum(feedRegime,actherds(herds1,breeds,feedRegime,t,m))],

*      --- equal to the starting herd of the process wich generates these herds
     + sum( (herds_from_herds(balHerds,herds,breeds),t_n(t1,nCur1),m1)
                   $ ( (  (-p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)    eq round(p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds)) )
                $$iftheni.compStat "%dynamics%" == "comparative-static"
                     or (-p_mDist(t,m,t1,m1)+12 eq round(p_prodLengthB(herds,breeds)) )
                       )   $  sum(feedRegime,actHerds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t1,m1)) $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),
*      --- bought to herd (e.g. heifers bought from market)
     + sum( (bought_to_herds(herds,breeds,balherds))
           $ sum(feedRegime,actherds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m)), v_herdStart(herds,breeds,t,nCur,m))
*      --- sold animals from the competing process for these herds (e.g. using heifer for remonte or selling heifer)
     - sum( sold_comp_herds(herds,breeds,balherds) $ sum(feedRegime,actherds(herds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m)),