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Biogas Module


The biogas module has not been tested under the current FarmDyn version, therefore run time errors are very likely to occur when it is used.

The biogas module defines the economic and technological relations between components of a biogas plant with a monthly resolution, as well as links to the farm. Thereby, it includes the statutory payment structure and their respective restrictions according to the German Renewable Energy Acts (EEGs) from 2004 up to 2014. The biogas module differentiates between three different sizes of biogas plants and accounts for three different life spans of investments connected to the biogas plant. Data for the technological and economic parameters used in the model are derived from KTBL (2013) and FNR (2013). The equations within the template model related to the biogas module are presented in the following section.

Biogas Economic Part

The economic part describes on the one hand the revenues stemming from the heat and electricity production of the biogas plant, and on the other hand investment and operation costs. The guaranteed feed-in tariff paid to the electricity producer per kWh, p_priceElec, and underlying the revenues, is constructed as a sliding scale price and is exemplary shown in the next equation.

p_priceElec(bhkw,eeg,tCur(t))$(eegRated(eeg)) = (p_priceElecBase("150kW",eeg) * (150/p_powRate(bhkw,eeg))
                                                          + p_priceElecBase(bhkw,eeg) * ((p_powRate(bhkw,eeg) - 150)/p_powRate(bhkw,eeg)))
p_priceElecE2004("150kW","E2004")= 0.08;

p_priceElecBase, used to calculate the guaranteed feed-in tariff differentiated by size, includes the base rate and additional bonuses 1 according to the legislative texts of the EEGs. For the EEG 2012 it only contains the base rate. In addition, the guaranteed feed-in tariff is subject to a degressive relative factor, p_priceElecDeg which differs between EEGs and describes price reductions over time. The p_priceElecBase is then used to calculate the electricity based revenue of the biogas operator by multiplying it with the produced electricity, v_prodElec. In order to assure a correct representation of the EEG 2012 payment, the biogas module differentiates the electricity output by input source v_prodElecCrop and v_prodElecManure and multiplies it with its respective bonus tariffs p_priceElecInputclass which are added to the base rate.

bioGasObje_(tCur(t),nCur) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


*            --- Revenue stemming from electricity production with degression depending on EEG (excluding direct marketing)
                 sum( (curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),m) $ (not(eegDM(eeg))),
                                    v_prodElec(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) *  p_priceElec(bhkw,eeg,t)   )

*            --- Revenue stemming from electricity production for EEG E2012 differentiated by input class
               + sum( (curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),m) $ (eegDif(eeg)) ,
                                        v_prodElecCrop(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m)   * p_priceElecInputclass(bhkw,eeg,"inputCl1")
                                      + v_prodElecManure(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_priceElecInputclass(bhkw,eeg,"inputCl2") )

*            --- Revenue stemming from heat
               + sum( curEeg(eeg),  v_sellHeat(eeg,t,nCur) * p_priceHeat(t) )

*            --- Revenue specification for EEG with direct marketing and flexible biogas production
               + sum( (curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),m)$(eegDM(eeg)),
                                   + (v_prodElec(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_shareEPEX(bhkw) )
                                       * (p_dmMP(bhkw,eeg,t,m) + p_dmsellPriceHigh(m) )
                                   + (v_prodElec(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * (1 - p_shareEPEX(bhkw) ) )
                                       * (p_dmMP(bhkw,eeg,t,m) + p_dmsellPriceLow(m) )
                                   + (v_prodElec(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_flexPrem(bhkw,eeg) ) )

*            --- Revenue stemming from scenario premium
               + sum( (curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg),m)$(eegScen(eeg)),
                                      v_prodElec(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_scenPremium(eeg)$(eegScen(eeg)))

In addition to the traditional guaranteed feed-in tariff, the biogas module comprises the payment structure for the so-called direct marketing option which was implemented in the EEG 2012. The calculation of the revenue with a direct marketing option is defined as the product of the produced electricity, v_prodElec, the sum of the market premium, p_dmMP, and the price at the electricity spot exchange EPEX Spot, p_dmsellPriceHigh/Low. The latter depends on the amount of electricity sold during high and low stock market prices. Additionally, it is accounted for a flexibility premium, p_flexPrem.

Furthermore, the revenue stemming from heat is accounted for and is included as the product of sold heat, v_sellHeat, times the price of heat, p_priceHeat, which is set to two cents per kWh. The amount of head sold is set exogenously and depends on the biogas plant type.

The detailed steps of the construction of prices can be seen in the following file: gams\coeffgen\prices_eeg.gms.

Biogas Inventory

The biogas plant inventory differentiates biogas plants by size (set bhkw), which determines the engine capacity, the investment costs and the labour use. Three size classes are currently depicted.

set bhkw "different bhkw sizes" /
                                 150KW       "150kW engine"
                                 250kW       "250kW engine"
                                 500KW       "500kW engine"

Moreover, in order to use a biogas plant, different components need to be present which differ by lifetime (investment horizon ih). For example, to keep using the original biogas plant, the decision maker has to re-invest every seventh year in a new engine but only every twentieth year in a new fermenter.

iH              "investment horizon"       /
                                                  iH7      "reinvestment after seven years",
                                                  iH10     "reinvestment after ten years",
                                                  iH20     "reinvestment after twenty years"

The biogas plant and their respective parts can either be bought, v_buyBiogasPlant(Parts), or an already existing biogas plant can be used, p_iniBioGas. Both define the size of the inventory of the biogas plant, v_invBioGas(Parts). The model currently limits the number of biogas plants present on farm to unity.

invBioGasTot_(tCur(t),nCur) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

       sum( (curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg)), v_invBioGas(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur)) =L=  1;
invBioGas_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),ih,tFull(t),nCur) $ (ih20(ih) $ t_n(t,nCur))   ..


                 sum( (tCur(t1),nCur1)  $ (t_n(t1,nCur1) $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)
                       $  (p_year(t1) + p_ih(ih)+1 ge p_year(t)+1 )
                      and (p_year(t1)+1 le p_year(t)+1 ) ),

                                       v_buyBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,ih,t1,nCur1) )

                 + sum( tOld $ ( (p_year(tOld) + p_ih(ih) ge p_year(t) ) and (p_year(tOld) le p_year(t) ) ),

                                       p_iniBioGas(bhkw,eeg,ih,tOld) );
invBioGasTotParts_(curBhkw(bhkw),ih,tCur(t),nCur) $ (t_n(t,nCur) $ (not ih20(ih)))..

           v_invBioGasParts(bhkw,ih,t,nCur) =G= sum(curEeg(eeg), v_invBioGas(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur));

Furthermore, the inventory v_invBioGas stores the information under which EEG the plant was original erected, either by externally setting the EEG for an existing biogas plant or the initial EEG is endogenously determined by the year of investment. In addition, the module provides the plant operator the option to switch from the EEG under which its plant was original erected to newer EEGs endogenously, such that the electricity and heat price of the newer legislation determines the revenues of the plant. For this purpose, the variable v_switchBioGas transfers the current EEG from v_invBioGas to the variable v_useBioGasPlant. Hence, the v_invBioGas is used to represent the inventory while v_useBioGasPlant is used to determine the actual EEG under which a plant is used, i.e. payment structures and feedstock restrictions.

switchBioGas_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg1),tCur(t),nCur) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


          =G= sum(newEeg_oldEeg(eeg,eeg1) $ curEeg(eeg), v_switchBioGas(bhkw,eeg1,eeg,t,nCur));
useBioGas_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


          =L= sum(newEeg_oldEeg(eeg,eeg1) $ curEeg(eeg1), v_switchBioGas(bhkw,eeg1,eeg,t,nCur));

Production Technology

The production technology describes not only the production process, but also defines the limitations set by technological components such as the engine capacity, fermenter volume and fermentation process. As heat is only a by-product of the electricity production and therefore the production equations do not differ from those for electricity, the heat production is not explicitly described.

The size of the engine restricts with p_fixElecMonth the maximal output of electricity in each month. According to the available size classes, the maximal outputs are 150kW, 250kW and 500kW, respectively, at 8.000 operating hours per year. This number of hours stems from the assumption that the biogas plant is not operating for 9 % of the available time due to maintenance, etc. .

fixkWel_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (t_n(t,nCur) and (v_prodElec.up(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) ne 0)) ..


          =l= v_useBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur) * p_fixElecMonth(bhkw,m) * p_scenRed(eeg);

The production process of electricity, v_prodElec, is constructed in a two-stage procedure. First, biogas 2, v_methCrop/Manure, is produced in the fermenter as the product of crops and manure, v_usedCrop/Manure, and the amount of methane content per ton fresh matter of the respective input. Second, the produced methane is combusted in the engine in which the electricity-output, v_prodElecCrop/Manure, is calculated by the energy content of methane, p_ch4Con, and the conversion efficiency of the respective engine, p_bhkwEffic.

methCrop_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


          =e= sum(crM(biogasFeedM), v_usedCropBiogas(bhkw,eeg,crM,t,nCur,m) * p_crop(crM) );
methManure_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


          =e= sum(curmaM,     v_usedManBiogas(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m) * p_manure(curmaM) );
kWel_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (t_n(t,nCur) and (v_prodElec.up(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) ne 0)) ..


          =l= v_useBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur) * p_fixElecMonth(bhkw,m) * p_scenRed(eeg);
kWelCrop_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


         =e= v_methCrop(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_ch4Con * p_bhkwEffic(bhkw,"el") * p_transLosses;
kWelManure_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


         =e= v_methManure(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m) * p_ch4Con * p_bhkwEffic(bhkw,"el") * p_transLosses;

The bonus structure of the EEG 2012 requires a differentiation between the two input classes: crop and manure. Thus, the production process is separated in methane produced from the Crop input class and the Manure input class.

The production technology imposes a second bound by connecting a specific fermenter volume, p_volFermMonthly, to each engine size. The fermenter volume is exogenously given under the assumption of a 90-day hydraulic retention time and an input mix of 70 % maize silage and 30 % manure. Hence, the input quantity derived from crops, v_usedCropBiogas, and manure, v_usedManBiogas, is bound by the fermenter size, v_totVolFermMonthly.

fixKW_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


         =l= v_useBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur) *  p_volFermMonthly(bhkw) * p_scenred(eeg);
totVolFerm_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

       v_totVolFermMonthly(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m)  =g=

                                          sum(crM(biogasFeedM), v_usedCropBiogas(bhkw,eeg,crM,t,nCur,m))

                                        + sum(curmaM, v_usedManBiogas(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m) );

The inputs for the fermentation process can be either externally purchased, v_purchCrop/Manure, or produced on farm, v_feedBiogas/v_volManBiogas. Additionally, the module accounts for silage losses for purchased crops, as crops from own production already includes silage losses in the production pattern of the farm.

usedCropBioGas_(curBhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),crM(biogasFeedM),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..


          =e= (    v_purchCrop(bhkw,eeg,crM,t,nCur,m)  $ selPurchInputs(crM) * p_silageLoss)
                 + v_feedBioGas(bhkw,eeg,crM,t,nCur,m) $ SUM(sameas(curProds,crM),1);
    manureTot_(curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg),curmaM,tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

               v_purchManure(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m) $ selPurchInputs(curmaM)
$ifi %herd%==true            + sum(curmanchain $ (not sameas (curmanChain,"LiquidBiogas")) , v_volManBiogas(curmanchain,bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m))
volManBioGas_(curmanchain, tCur(t),nCur) $ (t_n(t,nCur) $ (not sameas (curmanchain,"LiquidBiogas"))) ..

      v_manQuant(curManChain,t,nCur) $ (not sameas (curmanchain,"LiquidBiogas"))

          =G= sum( (manchain_mam(curmanchain,curmam),curbhkw(bhkw),curEeg(eeg),m) $(not sameas (curmanchain,"liquidBiogas")), v_volManBiogas(curmanchain,bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m)) ;

The third bound imposed by the production technology is the so called digestion load (Faulraumbelastung). The digestion load, p_digLoad, restricts the amount of organic dry matter within the fermenter to ensure a healthy bacteria culture. The recommended digestion load of the three different fermenter sizes ranges from 2.5 to 3 \(\frac{\text{kg oDM}}{m^3 \cdot d}\) 3 and is converted into a monthly limit.

fixdigLoad_(curBhkw(bhkw),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

      v_digLoad(bhkw,t,nCur,m)   =l= sum(curEeg(eeg),  v_useBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur) * p_digLoad(bhkw,m))  ;
digLoad_(curBhkw(bhkw),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

      v_digLoad(bhkw,t,nCur,m)   =l= sum(curEeg(eeg),  v_useBioGasPlant(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur) * p_digLoad(bhkw,m))  ;

The data used for the fermenter technology can be seen in the following file: gams\coeffgen\fermenter_tech.gms

Within the legislative text of the different Renewable Energy Acts different restrictions were imposed in order to receive certain bonuses or to receive any payment at all. In the biogas module most bonuses for the EEG 2004 and EEG 2009 are inherently included such as the KWK-Bonus and NawaRo-Bonus, i.e. the plant is already defined such that these additional subsidies on top of the basic feed-in tariff can be claimed. Additionally, the biogas operator has the option to receive the Manure-Bonus, if he ensures that 30 % of his input quantity is manure based, as can be seen in the following code.

manureRes_(curBhkw(bhkw),eegMan(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (t_n(t,nCur) $ curEeg(eeg)) ..

       sum(curmaM,  v_usedManBiogas(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m)) =g= v_totVolFermMonthly(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m)*0.3 ;

Furthermore, the EEG 2012 imposes two requirements which have to be met by the plant operator to receive any statutory payment at all. First, the operator must ensure that not more than 60 % of the used fermenter volume, v_totVolFermMonthly, is used for maize. Second, under the assumption that the operator uses 25 % of the heat emitted by the combustion engine for the fermenter itself, he has to sell at least 35 % of the generated heat externally;

maizeRes_(curBhkw(bhkw),eegDif(eeg),biogasFeedM,tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (curEeg(eeg) $ t_n(t,nCur)) ..

        v_usedCropBiogas(bhkw,eeg,biogasFeedM,t,nCur,m) $sum(sameas(biogasFeedM,maizSilage),1)
             =l=  0.6 * v_totVolFermMonthly(bhkw,eeg,t,nCur,m);
heatRes_(curBhkw(bhkw),eegDif(eeg),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ (curEeg(eeg) $ t_n(t,nCur)) ..

       v_sellHeat(eeg,t,nCur) =g= p_minHeatSold * v_prodHeat(eeg,t,nCur);

Changes made in EEG 2014 and the amendment of 2016 has not been included in the model yet.

Biogas Disgestates

Biogas production involves the production of digestates. Four feed sources can be differentiated depending on their origin: use of manure produced on farm, manure imported to the farm, crops grown on farm and crops imported to the farm. Manure produced on farm is treated as not fermented manure, as though it is not entering the biogas plant.

For digestates from imported manure and from crops, volume of digestates in cubic meter is calculated in the biogas_module.gms by multiplying amount of used feed stock, v_usedCropBiogas and v_purchManure, and a fugal factor. The latter represents the decrease of volume during the fermentation process.

biogasVolCropDigestate_(crm(biogasfeedM),tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

        v_volDigCrop(crM,t,nCur,m) =E= sum( (curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg)),
                                        v_usedCropBiogas(bhkw,eeg,crM,t,nCur,m)* p_fugCrop(crM));
biogasVolManDigestate_(tCur(t),nCur,m) $ t_n(t,nCur) ..

        v_volDigMan(t,nCur,m) =E= sum( (curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg), curmaM) ,
                                        v_purchManure(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m) $ selPurchInputs(curmaM)   * p_fugMan);

The amount of nutrients produced in the biogas plant and entering the manure storage is computed by multiplying the amount of feed stock and the corresponding nutrient content. It is assumed, that N and P is not lost during fermentation. Furthermore, nutrients from crop inputs are calculated as an annual average since no short term changes are common.

nutCropBiogasY_(curmanchain,nut2,tCur(t),nCur) $ (t_n(t,nCur) $ sameas(curmanchain,"LiquidBiogas")) ..

        v_nutCropBiogasY(curmanchain,nut2,t,nCur) =E=
             sum( ( crM(biogasFeedM),m,curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg) ),
                                               * p_nutDigCrop(curmanchain,nut2,crM));
nutCropBiogasM_(curmanchain,nut2,tCur(t),nCur,m) $(t_n(t,nCur) $ sameas(curmanchain,"LiquidBiogas")) ..

        v_nutCropBiogasM("LiquidBiogas",nut2,t,nCur,m) =E=  v_nutCropBiogasY("LiquidBiogas", nut2,t,nCur) / card(m);
nut2ManurePurch_(curmanchain,nut2,curmaM,tCur(t),nCur,m) $( t_n(t,nCur) $ sameas(curmanchain,"LiquidBiogas"))  ..

            =E=    sum ( (curBhkw(bhkw), curEeg(eeg)),
                        v_purchManure(bhkw,eeg,curmaM,t,nCur,m) * p_nut2manPurch("LiquidBiogas",nut2,curmaM)  )    ;


KTBL (2013): Faustzahlen Biogas. 3. Ausgabe, Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V., Darmstadt

  1. For the EEG 2004: NawaRo-Bonus, KWK-Bonus; For the EEG 2009: Nawaro-Bonus, KWK-Bonus or NawaRo-Bonus, KWK-Bonus and Manure-Bonus 

  2. Biogas is a mixture of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor (H2O) and other minor gases. The gas component containing the energy content of biogas is methane. Thus, the code with respect to production refers to the methane production rather than the production of biogas. 

  3. oDM = organic dry matter; m3 = cubic meter; d = day