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Farm Machinery and Field Operations

Field operations and associated machinery needs are depicted in high detail. For each crop required field operations and related machinery applications are included. The machinery requirements are based on the level of mechanisation selected in the GUI. Based on the mechanisation level and information on plot sizes and farm to field distances resource requirements and variable costs are calculated.

Different types of machines and field operations are implemented in FarmDyn, using data from two different databases: The default-database is manually implemented in FarmDyn. The data reports required field operations and related machine applications for grassland management, fertilization operations as well as specific crops for policy implementations (e.g. flowerstrips). In addition, it includes data for ~20 default crops. Based on the crop-data selection in the Graphical User Interface (GUI), data on field operations and machinery needs can further be imported from a large scale KTBL-database. The KTBL-database includes more than 400 machines and 1500 field operations for ~145 crops. It distinguishes between conventional and organic farming systems, reflecting system specific field operations. Both databases consider different types of tillage and are differentiated by mechanisation levels, which reflect substitution possibilities between labor and capital. Labour and resource requirements related to machine applications are further conditional on plot sizes and farm to field distances.

Machinery and Machine Attributes

The models default farm machinery includes various different machines (see tech.gms). An extraction is shown in the following:

set set_machType /tractor
                      plough                  "Pflug"
                      chiselPlough            "Schwergrubber"
                      sowMachine              "Saemaschine"
                      directSowMachine        "Direktsaemaschine"
                      seedBedCombi            "Saatbeetkombination"
                      circHarrow              "Scheibenegge"
                      springTineHarrow        "Federzinkenegge"
                      fingerHarrow            "Hackstriegel"
                      combine                 "Maehdrescher"
                      cuttingUnitCere         "Getreideschneidwerk"
                      cuttingAddRape          "Zusatzausruestung Rapsernte"
                      cuttingUnitMaiz         "Maispflueckeinrichtung fuer Maehdrescher"
                      rotaryHarrow            "Kreiselegge"
                      mulcher                 "Mulcher"

Based on the crop-data selection in the GUI, further machines are imported from the KTBL-database. Here, each machine is assigned a machine type and an unique ID:

     set_machType                                         "name of a machine"
     set_machTypeID                                       "unique ID of a machine"
     set_machTypeID_machType(set_machTypeID,set_machType) "crossset between machType and machTypeID"
     machineType                                          "Type of a machine, e.g. tractor, plough"
     set_machType_machineType(set_machType,machineType)       "assigns a machineType to each machine"

Each machinery type is characterised by the set of attributes p_machAttr, for example:

table p_machAttr(machType,machAttr)

* --- Data from KTBL 2014/2015, if not otherwise stated
* --- KTBL. 82, 4 Schare, 140 cm
                      price        hour       ha       m3     t     varCost_ha  varCost_t  varCost_h  diesel_h  fixCost_h  fixCost_t years varCost_m3
 Plough               13000                 2000                        12.0
* --- KTBL. 84, Schwergrubber, angebaut, 2.5m
 ChiselPlough          5600                 2600                         5.0

Default Database

The models default-database includes different field operations (see cropop_de.gms). An extraction is shown in the following:

set operation "Field operators as defined by KTBL"

                      soilSample              "Bodenprobe"
                      manDist                 "Guelleausbringung"
                      basFert                 "P und K Duengung, typischerweise Herbst"
                      plow                    "Pfluegen"
                      chiselPlow              "Tiefengrubber"
                      seedBedCombi            "Saatbettkombination"
                      herb                    "Herbizidmassnahme"
                      sowMachine              "Saemaschine"
                      directSowMachine        "Direktsaatmaschine"
                      circHarrowSow           "Kreiselegge u. Drillmaschine Kombination"
                      springTineHarrow        "Federzinkenegge"
                      weedValuation           "Unkrautbonitur"
                      weederLight             "Striegeln"
                      weederIntens            "Hacken"
                      plantvaluation          "Bestandsbonitur

For each field operation required machinery is stated, for example:

set op_machType(operation,machType) "Links the operations to machinery";
* was ist mit dem Trecker? muss nicht f�r jeden Arbeitsgang auch noch der Traktor zu den
* Arbeitsg�ngen verlinkt werden? oder ist das woanders schon mit Treckeranspr�chen pro ha und Frucht abgegolten?
* Die Kosten f�r Trecker in den Arbeitsg�ngen sind ja durch KTBL Angaben zu var und fixCost schon abgegolten, aber die
* Treckerstunden evtl. nicht die die Nutzungsdauer beeinflussen (BL 10.02.2014)

 op_machType("plow","plough")                                  = yes;
 op_machType("chiselplow","chiselPlough")                      = yes;
 op_machType("stubble_shallow","chiselPlough")                 = yes;
 op_machType("stubble_deep","chiselPlough")                    = yes;
 op_machType("seedBedCombi","seedBedCombi")                    = yes;
 op_machType("springTineHarrow","springTineHarrow")            = yes;
 op_machType("circHarrowSow","circHarrow")                     = yes;

The performance of field operations involves labour and diesel requirements as well as variable and fixed machinery costs. An extraction is shown in the following:

table op_attr(operation,machVar,rounded_plotsize,opAttr) "resource requirements of operations"

                                                labTime         diesel      fixCost      varCost   nPers  amount
    soilSample                .67kw."2"          0.2              0.5          1.05         0.30
    manDist                   .67kw."2"          1.7              6.7         20.20        24.65
    basFert                   .67kw."2"          0.25             0.9          2.04         2.11
*   --- page 153, KTBL 2010/2011
    plow                      .67kw."2"          1.89            23.0         20.39        40.76
    chiselPlow                .67kw."2"          1.09            15.1          9.02        22.92
    SeedBedCombi              .67kw."2"          0.58             6.0          7.98        12.05
    sowMachine                .67kw."2"          0.84             4.9          9.44        10.62
    directSowMachine          .67kw."2"          0.71             6.5         23.01        22.59
    circHarrowSow             .67kw."2"          1.29            12.9         16.96        27.16
    springTineHarrow          .67kw."2"          0.75             7.3          6.56        13.60
    weedValuation             .67kw."2"          0.16             0.3          1.59         0.35
    herb                      .67kw."2"          0.28             1.0          4.37         3.25
    weederLight               .67kw."2"          0.42             2.6          3.93         6.22
    weederIntens              .67kw."2"          0.73             3.8         13.10         9.70
    plantValuation            .67kw."2"          0.13             0.1          0.91         0.18

Per hectare resource requirements and costs of field operations are conditional on plot sizes and mechanisation level. The default-database considers these effect for four different plot sizes and three mechanisation levels. Farm-plot distances are not considered. Thereby, idle serves as placeholder for all crops in the default-database:

table p_plotSizeEffect(crops,machVar,opAttr,rounded_plotSize)

                            "1"    "2"   "5"  "20"

     idle. 67kw .labTime    12.4   10.5   9.3   8.0
     idle. 67kw .diesel       90     83    78    73
     idle. 67kw .varCost     205    188   176   168
     idle. 67kw .fixCost     282    258   241   231

     idle.102kw .labTime    11.1    9.1   7.6   6.8
     idle.102kw .diesel       95     86    78    74
     idle.102kw .varCost     209    188   172   164
     idle.102kw .fixCost     315    284   262   249

     idle.200kw .labTime    11.9    8.6   6.3   4.9
     idle.200kw .diesel      118     99    84    75
     idle.200kw .varCost     240    201   173   157
     idle.200kw .fixCost     396    334   292   267

FarmDyn distinguishes in total seven different mechanisation levels. As the default-database does not report input requirements for all mechanisation levels, data of similar mechanisation is used:

p_plotSizeEffect("idle",machVar,"nPers",rounded_plotSize) = 1;
p_plotSizeEffect("idle",machVar,"amount",rounded_plotSize) = 1;

Subsequentely, the effect of plot size is assigned to all crops included in the default-dataset, for example:

p_plotSizeEffect(crops,"67kW",opAttr,rounded_plotSize) $ ((not p_plotSizeEffect(crops,"67kW",opAttr,rounded_plotSize)) $ (not sum(till, c_p_t_i_GDX(crops,"plot",till,"normal"))))
     =  (sum( crops1,  p_plotSizeEffect(crops1,"67kW",opAttr,rounded_plotSize))
       / sum( crops1 $ p_plotSizeEffect(crops1,"67kW",opAttr,rounded_plotSize),1)) $sum(crops1, p_plotSizeEffect(crops1,"67kW",opAttr,rounded_plotSize));

The plot size effect is used to scale resource requirements of machines and field operations that are not included in KTBL-database:

p_machAttr(machType,"diesel_h") $ (sum(op_machType(operation,machType),1) or sameas(machType,"Tractor"))
   =  p_machAttr(machType,"diesel_h")
        *  sum( (curCrops(crops),actMachVar,act_rounded_plotsize)
           $$ "%database%" == "KTBL_database"
              $ (not sum(till, c_p_t_i_GDX(crops,"plot",till,"normal")))
         / sum( (curCrops(crops),actMachVar,act_rounded_plotsize) $ p_plotSizeEffect(crops,actMachVar,"diesel",act_rounded_plotsize),1);

  op_attr(operation,actmachVar,rounded_plotsize,"diesel") $ op_attr(operation,actMachVar,rounded_plotsize,"diesel")
   = op_attr(operation,actmachVar,rounded_plotsize,"diesel")
        *  sum( (curCrops(crops),act_rounded_plotsize)
           $$ "%database%" == "KTBL_database"
              $ (not sum(till, c_p_t_i_GDX(crops,"plot",till,"normal")))
         / sum( (curCrops(crops),act_rounded_plotsize) $ p_plotSizeEffect(crops,actMachVar,"diesel",act_rounded_plotsize),1);

  set techEval_c_t_i

The field operations are linked to monthly cropping activities, considering the frequency of a field operation in the production (below an example for potatoes):

table p_crop_op_per_tilla(crops,operation,labPeriod,till)
                                                              plough     minTill   noTill          org  silo  bales  hay      graz

 potatoes     .    soilSample          .  AUG1                   0.2         0.2                   0.2
 potatoes     .    basFert             .  AUG1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    solidManDist        .  AUG2                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    plow                .  AUG2                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    chiselPlow          .  AUG2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    sowmachine          .  AUG2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    mulcher             .  NOV1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    plow                .  NOV1                   1.0                               1.0
 potatoes     .    chiselPlow          .  NOV1                               1.0
 potatoes     .    NminTesting         .  FEB1                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    NFert320            .  MAR1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    chitting            .  MAR1                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    seedBedCombi        .  MAR2                   1.0
 potatoes     .    rotaryHarrow        .  MAR2                               1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    seedPotatoTransp    .  APR1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    potatoLaying        .  APR1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    rakingHoeing        .  APR2                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    earthingUp          .  APR2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    weedValuation       .  MAY1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    earthingUP          .  MAY1
 potatoes     .    plantvaluation      .  JUN1                   1.0                               1.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  JUN1                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    plantValuation      .  JUN2                   2.0         2.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  JUN2                   2.0         2.0                   2.0
 potatoes     .    plantValuation      .  JUL1                   2.0         2.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  JUL1                   2.0         2.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    plantValuation      .  JUL2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  JUL2                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    plantValuation      .  AUG1                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  AUG1                   1.0         1.0                   1.0
 potatoes     .    plantValuation      .  AUG2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    herb                .  AUG2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    knockOffHaulm       .  AUG2                                                     1.0
 potatoes     .    killingHaulm        .  AUG2                   1.0         1.0
 potatoes     .    potatoHarvest       .  SEP1                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    potatoTransport     .  SEP1                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    potatoStoring       .  SEP1                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    potatoHarvest       .  SEP2                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    potatoTransport     .  SEP2                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    potatoStoring       .  SEP2                   0.5         0.5                   0.5
 potatoes     .    lime_fert           .  OCT1                 0.333

KTBL Database

Further field operations can be included from the KTBL-database. Here, each operation is assigned to an operation type and receives an unique ID. Field operations are linked to cropping activities, p_crops_operationID, on a monthly resolution, considering the frequency of a field operation in the production. Data distinguish between different types of tillage and conventional and organic farming systems, reflecting system specific field operations. Further, different soil types and amounts (e.g. transport volumes, application quantities) are considered, reflecting their impact on resource requirements of field operations.Field operations are reported for seven mechanisation levels between 45 and 230 kW. Details on resource requirements and costs of each operation are expressed as function of plot sizes and farm to field distances, building on a polynomial regression function. For each operation and resource/cost item, regression coefficients p_RegCoeff are specified. For field operations that are independent of plot sizes and distances (e.g. loading and cleaning operations), constant values p_noRegCoeff are reported. Based on information on soil type, mechanisation, plot sizes and distances entered in the GUI, resource requirement are calculated. Plot sizes of up to 40 ha and farm to field distances up to 30 km are considered.

p_opIDInputReq(curCrops,till,items,operationID) = sum((crops_operationID(curCrops,sys,till,operationID,labperiod,amount,actMachVar),amountUnit,
              Soil) $ sum(soil_plot(soil,plot),c_p_t_i(curCrops,plot,till,"normal"))
                 $ (not p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,"m","time","intercept"))
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"size_linear")   * p_actPlotSize
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"size_sqr")      * sqr(p_actPlotSize)
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"sqroot_size")   * sqrt(p_actPlotSize)
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"size_distance") * p_actPlotSize * p_actPlotDist
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"dist_linear")   * p_actPlotDist
            +  p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,Soil,items,"dist_sqr")      * sqr(p_actPlotDist)
             ) $ p_regCoeff(operationID,amount,"m","time","intercept"))
             * p_crops_operationID(curCrops,sys,till,operationID,labperiod,amount,amountUnit,actMachVar)

These information on required field operation and related resource requirements and cost in crop production determine:

  1. The number of necessary field working days and monthly labour need per ha (excluding the time used for fertilisation, which is determined endogenously)

  2. The machinery need for the different crops

  3. Related variable costs

Labour Requirements in Crop Production

The labour needs per month are determined by summing up over all farm operations, considering the labour period, the effect of plot size and mechanisation (coeffgen\labour.gms):


* --- crops included in KTBL database
$ "%database%" == "KTBL_database"
          $ (sum((amount,labperiod),  p_crop_op_per_tillaKTBL(curCrops,operation,labperiod,till,amount)
          $ labPeriod_to_month(labPeriod,m))))
* --- crops not included in KTBL database
+     sum( (curOperation(operation),actmachVar,act_rounded_plotsize,labPeriod_to_month(labPeriod,m))
                  $((not contractOperation(operation)
                  $$ "%database%" == "KTBL_database"
                  $(not (sum(operationID $operationID_operation(operationID,operation),1)))
                     * op_attr(operation,"67kW","2","labTime")
*                    -- effect of plot size and mechanisation on labour time
                         * p_plotSizeEffect(curCrops,actMachVar,"labTime",act_rounded_plotsize)
               $$ "%database%" == "KTBL_database"
               $ (not c_p_t_i_GDX(curCrops,"plot",till,"normal"))

Depreciation of Machines Included in KTBL-Database

Deprecation cost of machine applications in the KTBL-database are calculated at the level of a field operations. Field operations, however, often require more than one machine such that deprecation costs refer to multiple machines. To draw conclusions about the value of the machine park and necessary new acquisitions, data on cost of depreciation are required on level of a single machine. Therefore, total depreciation costs are allocated to individual machines, considering the respective depreciation type and usage. An extraction is shown in the following (at the example of machines depreciated by area use).

First, total depreciation costs are assigned to p_physDepr.

       = p_opInputReq(curCrops,till,"deprec",operation);

For each machine of a field operation that is depreciated by area use, depreciation costs per hectare are calculated:

      $ (p_machAttr(machType,"ha") $ p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","cost"))
      = p_machAttr(machType, "price")/p_machAttr(machType,"ha") + eps;

The total depreciation costs allocated to area use are summarised for each operation:

       $ p_opInputReq(curCrops,till,"deprec",operation)
     = sum(op_machType(operation,machType)
           $ p_machAttr(machType,"ha"),

In case the total depreciation allocated to area use costs exceed the total deprecation costs of a field operation, the depreciation costs of each machine are scaled

      $ (p_machAttr(machType,"ha") $ p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","cost"))
      = p_machAttr(machType, "price")/p_machAttr(machType,"ha") + eps;

The depreciation costs allocated to area use are subtracted from total deprecation costs of a field operation:

      $ (p_machAttr(machType,"ha") $ p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","cost"))
      = p_machAttr(machType, "price")/p_machAttr(machType,"ha") + eps;

The same procedure is repeated to allocate the remaining depreciation costs to machines depreciated over time and mass use and to machines which are not depreciated over specific use but have fixed annual depreciation costs.

For each field operation, the total depreciation costs allocated to machine applications are summed to check for any remaining depreciation costs not allocated to any machine.

       = sum((op_machType(operation,machType),depCost),

Any remaining depreciation costs are allocated to all machines of a field operation.


Some field operations are not associated with any machine applications (e.g. drying and storing; covering of silo). Here, remaining depreciation costs can not be distributed to machines but reflect depreciation of associated buildings and facilities (storage facility, silo):

p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"Buildings and Facilities","","totcost")
       $ (abs(p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","error")) gt 1)
      = abs(p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","error"));

Total depreciation costs of a machine per hectare crop production are calculated over all field operations that are required to produce a crop under a specific production system and all deprecation types, as some machines are depreciated by more than one deprecation type (e.g. area and mass use):

Commentembedmd:# (N:/em/work1/Pahmeyer/FarmDyn/FarmDynDoku/FarmDyn_Docu/gams/coeffgen/tech.gms GAMS /Report.*?machType/ /;/)

*    --- sum depreciation of a machType over all field operations of a crop (sys,till)
       =sum(op_machType(operation,machType) $ p_physDepr(curCrops,till,operation,"","","cost"),
*   --- total depreciation of a machine over all deprec types for a crop,sys,till
       = sum(depCost,p_physDepr(curCrops,till,"mach_crop",machType,"",depCost));

The depreciation costs per hectare are assigned to the machinery requirements by each crop per hectare

       = p_physDepr(crops,till,"mach_crop",machType,"","totCost");

Investments in new machinery

Depending on the depreciation type, investments in new machines are either depicted continuously, where v_buyMachFlex is the fractional investment according to actual machine needs (e.g. operation hours, mass flows) or using a binary variable v_buyMach for machines where lifetime is declared in years.

        $ (   (v_machInv.up(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur) ne 0)
            $ v_buyMachFlex.up(machType,t,nCur)  $ p_lifeTimeM(machType,machLifeUnit)
            $ (not sameas(machLifeUnit,"years")) $ p_priceMach(machType,t) $ t_n(t,nCur))  ..

        v_buyMachFlex(machType,t,nCur) * p_lifeTimeM(machType,MachLifeUnit)
            =L= v_machNeed(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur) $ tCur(t)

              + [sum( (t_n(t1,nCur1)) $ ( tCur(t1) $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),
                 ]  $ ( (not tCur(t)) and p_prolongCalc);
buyMachLifeTimeT_(curMachines(machType),t_n(tCur(t),nCur)) $ ((v_buyMach.up(machType,tCur,nCur) ne 0) $ p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years")
                                                                   $ ( mod(t.pos,p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years")) eq 1) $ (Card(tCur) gt 1) ) ..

         sum( (tFull(t1),nCur1) $ ( t_n(t1,nCur1)
                                    $ (p_year(t1) + p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years") lt p_year(t))
                                    $ (v_buyMach.up(machType,t1,nCur1) ne 0)),

                  v_buyMach(machType,t1,nCur1)) =L= 1;

Endogenous Machine Inventory

The inventory equation for machinery is shown in machInv_, where v_machInv is the available inventory by type and machType, in operation hours. v_machNeed is the machinery need of the farm in operating hours and v_buyMach are investments in new machines.

         $ (     (v_machInv.up(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur) ne 0)
               $ p_lifeTimeM(machType,machLifeUnit)  $ p_priceMach(machType,t)
               $ (not sameas(machLifeUnit,"years"))  $ t_n(t,nCur) )  ..
*      --- inventory end of current year (in operating hours, hectares etc.)

*        --- inventory end of last year (in operating hours)
          sum(t_n(t-1,nCur1) $ anc(nCur,nCur1), v_machInv(machType,machLifeUnit,t-1,nCur1))
*        --- new machines, converted in operation time
        + (v_buyMach(machType,t,nCur)+v_buyMachFlex(machType,t,nCur)) * p_lifeTimeM(machType,MachLifeUnit)
*        --- minus operating hours in current year if in normal planning period
        - v_machNeed(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur)  $ tCur(t)
*        --- minus operating hours of weighted average over normal planning period
*            if beyond the normal planning period
        - [sum( (t_n(t1,nCur1)) $ ( tCur(t1) $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),
                       $ ( (not tCur(t)) and p_prolongCalc)

The last expression is used when the farm program for the simulated period is used to estimate the machinery needs for all years until the stables are fully depreciated.

Machinery need is also linked to activities in livestock production (e.g. small tractors):

        $ sum(actHerds(sumHerds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m),
               p_machNeed(sumHerds,"plough","normal",machType,machLifeUnit)) ..


*      --- herd sizes times their request for specific machine type
          sum(actHerds(sumHerds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m) $ p_prodLength(sumHerds,breeds),
              * p_machNeed(sumHerds,"plough","normal",machType,machLifeUnit)
                          * 1/min(12,p_prodLength(sumHerds,breeds)));

The total machinery need in each year is defined as sum from activities or processes requiring machinery:

machines_(curMachines(machType),machLifeUnit,t_n(tCur(t),nCur))     $ p_lifeTimeM(machType,machLifeUnit) ..
*    --- less than total machinery need
       v_machNeed(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur) =G=
*      --- crops times their request for specific machine type
*          crops and machines not included in the KTBL Regression in ha/ha: hour/ha ...
*          machines inclueded in KTBL Regression: EUR depreciation costs
       sum( c_p_t_i(curCrops(crops),plot,till,intens),
            * p_machNeed(crops,till,intens,machType,machLifeUnit))
*             --- yield depression effects (increase plant protection cost)

     $$iftheni.pmp "%pmp%"=="true"
      + sum( (curCrops(Crops),sys) $ [sum(c_p_t_i(crops,plot,till,intens) $ (sys_till(sys,till)
                                       $ p_critShare(crops,sys,"dep1") $ (p_machNeed(crops,till,intens,machType,machLifeUnit) gt 0)),1)
                                                                                  $ sameas(machType,"sprayer")],
                                         /[  (  p_nArabLand  $ (not grassCrops(crops))
                                              + (p_nGrasLand+p_nPastLand) $ grassCrops(crops))
                                                * smax((sys_till(sys,till),cropShareLevl),p_critShare(crops,sys,cropShareLevl))

        + sum( (curCrops(Crops),sys,cropShareLevl) $ (sum(c_p_t_i(crops,plot,till,intens) $ sys_till(sys,till),
                                                                                   $ sameas(machType,"sprayer")),


             *    sum(c_p_t_i(crops,plot,till,intens) $ sys_till(sys,till),p_machNeed(crops,till,intens,machType,machLifeUnit))
                / sum(c_p_t_i(crops,plot,till,intens) $ (sys_till(sys,till) $ p_machNeed(crops,till,intens,machType,machLifeUnit)),1))

*        ---- machine need for the application of N (syntfert)

     + sum( (c_p_t_i(curCrops(crops),plot,till,intens),curInputs(syntFertilizer),m),
               v_syntDist(crops,plot,till,intens,syntFertilizer,t,nCur,m) * (1 + m.pos*1.E-3)
                  * p_machNeed(syntFertilizer,till,"normal",machType,machLifeUnit))

*        ---- machine need for the application of manure

     $$ "%manure%"=="true"

        + sum((c_p_t_i(curCrops(crops),plot,till,intens),manApplicType_manType(ManApplicType,curManType),m)
              $ (v_manDist.up(crops,plot,till,intens,manApplicType,curManType,t,nCur,m) ne 0),
                  * p_machNeed(ManApplicType,"plough","normal",machType,machLifeUnit))


     $$iftheni.herd "%herd%"=="true"

      + v_machNeedHerds(machType,machLifeUnit,t,nCur)
           $ sum(actHerds(sumHerds,breeds,feedRegime,t,m),

A small set of machinery, such as the front loader, dung grab, shear grab or fodder mixing vehicles are depreciated by time and not by use:

        $ (      (v_machInv.up(machType,"years",t,nCur) ne 0)
                $ p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years")
                $ p_priceMach(machType,t) $ t_n(t,nCur)  )  ..
*      --- inventory end of current year (in operating hours)

     +  sum( t_n(t1,nCur1) $ (  (p_year(t1) gt smax( tOld $ p_iniMachT(machType,told),
                                                     p_year(tOld) + p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years")))
                             $  (p_year(t1)+p_prolongLen gt p_year(t))
                             $ tCur(t1)  $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),
                                                $ ( (not tCur(t)) and p_prolongCalc)

*         --- old machines according to investment dates
*             (will drop out of equation if too old)
          sum( tOld $ (   ((p_year(tOld) + p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years")) gt p_year(t))
                              $ ( p_year(told)                            le p_year(t))),

*         --- plus (old) investments - de-investments
       +  sum( t_n(t1,nCur1) $ (  ((p_year(t1)  + p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years") ) gt p_year(t))
                                $ ( p_year(t1)                                    le p_year(t))
                                $ isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1)),

The aforementioned set of machinery, depreciated by time and not usage, are linked to the existence of stables, i.e. stables cannot be used if machinery is not present:

       $ ( (v_machInv.up(machType,"years",t,nCur) ne 0)
           $  (   sum( (t_n(t1,nCur1),hor) $ ( (isNodeBefore(nCur,nCur1) or sameas(nCur,nCur1)) and (p_year(t1) le p_year(t))),
                      (v_buyStables.up(stables,hor,t1,nCur1) ne 0))
              or  sum( tOld, p_iniStables(stables,"long",tOld)))
           $ sum(stables_to_mach(stables,machType),1)
           $ (p_lifeTimeM(machType,"years"))  $ p_priceMach(machType,t)  $ t_n(t,nCur))  ..

       sum(stables_to_mach(stables,machType), v_stableUsed(stables,t,nCur)
           -sum(m $ (p_stableLab(stables,m) gt eps),v_stableNotUsed(stables,t,nCur,m))/card(m))
          =L= v_machInv(machType,"years",t,nCur);